Hudson River Housing

“To say that Mid Hudson works has been a “good” partner in our effort to serve veterans is an understatement to say the least! Mid Hudson Works has literally lived up to their mission in a big way. Having worked with Mid Hudson Works over the past ten years as a case manager and later as a veteran services manager, I have first hand knowledge of just how focused and dedicated Mid Hudson Works is regarding our veteran population. The partnership goes far back , even before the relatively recent veteran initiative.Unlike many other initiatives that merely pay lip service to the needs of veterans, Mid Hudson Works has taken on the formidable challenge of focusing on veterans with disabilities (both physical and mental), giving them a pathway to success and self sustainability. They have been tolerant, open minded and above all understanding, when it comes to helping out our veterans, many of whom have gone on to greater things on both a personal level as well as a vocational level. By living up to their mission, Mid Hudson Works has helped countless veterans move on to greater things, unencumbered by the stigma of physical or psychological maladies that often keep veterans on an endless treadmill of despair. Hudson River Housing is both thankful and proud to have such a veteran centric and community minded organization as a partner in our veteran initiative. And we look forward to a continued and even more fruitful relationship going forward.”

*** Ed ***
Hudson River Housing